Fabrizio Carlotto, founded in 1961 by the homonym founder, is today, thanks to the experience and passion of his two sons Tiziano and Claudio, an important point of reference in Europe in the hot forged steel sector. We are specialized in the production of forged parts for the following sectors: Agricultural and forestry, automotive, oild and gas, road construction, lifting and many others. Starting from 3D designing moving on to production, we are able to develop products on your request and help you trough all the process. On customer’s request we can also provide finished items.
Fabrizio Carlotto Srl installed in 2022 a photovoltaic system with a production capacity of about 450 (± 2.5%) kWp
the intervention was financed with FSC - Fund for Development and Cohesion.

Intervento finanziato con risorse
FSC - Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione
1973 Installation of the
2000 Ton forging hammer
2020 Implementation
of the die construction area
2013 Robotization of three production lines
2009 Installation of the 6300 Ton press
1995 Installation of the 2500 Ton press
2000 Installation of the 4000 Ton press
2006 Installation of the second 1600 Ton press

1981 Installation of the
first 1600 Ton press
Year of foundation
The designing and construction of the dies takes place directly inside our company, according to the most advanced technological systems through the use of CNC machining centers and lathes. The speed of preparation, with the help of CAM-controlled machines and careful supervision of the finishes, allows us to provide products in ever shorter times and also with higher quality. The construction and maintenance of the dies is made with mathematics stored on a central server, allowing perfect repeatability over time.

We believe that a good raw material is the basis for a good job. Therefore, the steel we use is always of first choice and is purchased only and exclusively from qualified and specialized Italian suppliers who certify its quality.
We have 5 different lines of production
P1600-1 this line is made of one induction furnace of 600Kw/H, one 1600 Ton press and one 160 Ton press for deburring.
P1600-2 this line is made of one induction furnace of 600 Kw/H, one 100 Ton press for preforming, one 1600 Ton press and one 160 Ton press for deburring.
P2500 this line is made of one induction furnace of 1400 Kw/H, one 400 Ton press for preforming, one 2500 Ton press and one 250 Ton press for deburring. Highly robotized line.
P4000 this line is made of one induction furnace of 2400 Kw/H, one 400 Ton press for preforming, one 4000 Ton press and one 400 Ton press for deburring. Highly robotized line.
P6300 this line is made of one induction furnace of 4600 Kw/H, one 1000 Ton press for preforming, one 6300 Ton press and one 1000 Ton press for deburring. Highly robotized line.

We are able to deliver finished items on customer’s request directly inside our company. We have a fleet of CNC machining centers from 3 to 5 axes. Over the years we have had the opportunity to develop partnerships with external companies specialized in the sector, on which we rely in the case of large quantities production.
The quality of our products is ensured by a control unit that carries out systematic surveys both in the first and in the final phases of the production process, using specific equipment such as durometer, spectrotest and magnaflux. Upon customer's request, we are able to supply the parts with ultrasonic test, 3.1 certificate and 3.2 certificate.